DIY: Spiderweb KirigamiIf you’ve been following Omiyage Blogs for awhile, you might have noticed that we love kirigami!With Halloween around the corner, how about some festive papercutting for the occasion? Try making spiderweb kirigami!Here’s how:Start with a piece of square origami paper in your desired size.We used our favourite 50 Colours Origami Paper – the 7.5cm / 3″ size.1. Fold paper in half diagonally. Crease well.2. Fold paper in half again. Crease well.3. Turn paper so that the top point is facing down / towards you. Visualize dividing the triangle into 3 equal parts. Fold the right third towards the left.
Crease well. Then fold the left third over the right. Crease well. This part may take practice or refolding to get three equal parts – no worries, just keep trying!4. Cut straight across the top of the folded triangle. Discard the paper parts in red.5. Cut the top of your triangle into a curve. Discard the red part. Copying the top curve, cut lines along the entire length of the triangle leaving a thin line of paper at the end of each cut. Cut as many strips as you can / would like.6. Cut out every other strip – seen in red – and discard. Cut off tip. Don’t cut off the tip until all other strips have been cut and removed – just in case!7. Carefully unfold to discover your kirigami spiderweb. If desired, you can gently press with a warm, dry iron to remove creases.8. Use your spiderwebs anyway you’d like – decorate a table, string into a garland, use in a handmade card.
Sorgente: Omiyage Blogs: DIY: Spiderweb Kirigami